ATLANTIC SPATIAL: a data set of landscape, topographic, hydrological, and anthropogenic metrics for the Atlantic Forest
id = NULL,
metric = NULL,
metric_group = NULL,
metric_type = NULL,
lulc_class = NULL,
edge_depth = NULL,
gap_crossing = NULL,
scale = NULL,
resolution = NULL,
cores = 1,
path = "."
# read table with metrics
#> # A tibble: 503 × 19
#> id metric metric_group metric_type metric_description value
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 0 atlantic_spatial_del… NA NA NA NA
#> 2 1 atlantic_spatial_all… landscape lulc all land cover an… 3; 4…
#> 3 2 atlantic_spatial_gro… landscape lulc grouped land cove… 1 to…
#> 4 3 atlantic_spatial_for… landscape habitat_bi… forest vegetation… 0 an…
#> 5 4 atlantic_spatial_nat… landscape habitat_bi… natural vegetatio… 0 an…
#> 6 5 atlantic_spatial_for… landscape fragment_id forest vegetation… 1 to…
#> 7 6 atlantic_spatial_for… landscape fragment_a… forest vegetation… 0.09…
#> 8 7 atlantic_spatial_nat… landscape fragment_id natural vegetatio… 1 to…
#> 9 8 atlantic_spatial_nat… landscape fragment_a… natural vegetatio… 0.09…
#> 10 9 atlantic_spatial_for… landscape fragment_p… forest vegetation… 0 to…
#> # ℹ 493 more rows
#> # ℹ 13 more variables: value_description <chr>, unit <chr>, lulc_class <chr>,
#> # edge_depth_m <dbl>, gap_crossing_m <dbl>, scale_buffer_radius_m <dbl>,
#> # resolution <dbl>, file_name <chr>, file_size_gb <dbl>,
#> # zenodo_repository <chr>, zenodo_link_main <chr>,
#> # zenodo_link_auxiliary <chr>, zenodo_doi <chr>
# import data
atlanticr::atlantic_spatial_download(id = 3, path = ".")
#> Starting download
#> Error in { url <- atlantic_spatial_download_filter_download[i, ]$url destfile <- atlantic_spatial_download_filter_download[i, ]$destfile download.file(url = url, destfile = destfile, mode = "wb")}: task 1 failed - "cannot open URL ''"
# delete